When you suffer from anxiety, life can be difficult learn about driving anxiety and how to overcome it. While your doctor is the best person to help you to get your anxiety under control, there are a few things that you can do to reduce your anxiety levels considerably. This article contains a few anxiety-busting tips that you can start trying today.
When anxiety is getting the better of you, get some exercise. Exercise boosts levels of brain chemicals like serotonin, and dopamine, which help you feel happier and more relaxed. Physical activity can also be a great stress-reliever, and reducing your stress can certainly have positive impacts on your anxiety levels.
When the outer world brings too much anxiety, reduce your intake of news and current events. To stay up-to-date on current events without increasing your anxiety, find a news channel that broadcasts positive features in addition to negative stories.
Never sit for long periods of time throughout the day. Remember to take regular breaks for some light exercise or walking around. Even just standing up can help get your blood moving. Keep active by taking walks, working in your garden or finding an engaging hobby. While everybody needs some relaxation, too much relaxation can actually increase your anxiety levels, as you begin to feel guilty for resting.
Always make it a point to focus on the positive things that are happening in your life, no matter how big or small it may be. Positive thoughts drown out the negative ones and the more positive thoughts you have, the smaller the problems in your life, will seem to you.
You need to learn to be accepting of things that aren’t certain. Worrying about what could go wrong won’t make life any more enjoyable and it will seriously elevate your anxiety and stress. Actually, this will prevent you from appreciating the positive things. It will take practice, but you can teach yourself to accept uncertainty as a fact of life and focus your attention on living in the now.
Make sure that you are not alone in your room for long periods of time. One of the best things that you can do is to go out with friends and share time with the people that you love. This can help you to reduce anxiety and inject fun into your day.
Get some exercise. Most people are aware that exercise is good for the body. What they may not be aware of is that exercise is equally good for the mind. In addition to being a healthy outlet for stress, exercising releases chemicals in the brain called endorphins, which are the feel-good chemicals responsible for the well-known runner’s high.
Find something else to focus on. Instead of thinking about whatever it is that is causing your anxiety, find something calm, peaceful and serene to focus on. It could be a good memory, a future dream or goal, or just something that you find calm and soothing. Don’t forget to take deep breaths as you do this.
It is okay to cry if you are depressed, or anxious. If you feel like crying, then you need to express yourself, and let those emotions out. There is a reason our bodies are designed to have tears, and to cry. It is so, that these emotions do not get trapped inside us, and cause bigger problems.
If you have a problem trying to relax, in order to release all of your anxiety, you should consider aromatherapy. There are several herbs and flowers that can ease moods, once the aromas are inhaled. Essential oils containing peppermint, bay, anise, and thyme, are a few examples of the scents that you may find effective.
Schedule time each day to think about your worries and doubts. Tell yourself during other times throughout your day, that you are not going to focus on your problems until the scheduled time. Free up an hour for dealing with things like this. When you have reached the end of your scheduled time, go back to not allowing yourself to focus on them. You can feel in remarkable control by taking this structured approach.
Whenever you are feeling high anxiety, try to take deep breaths. Take these breaths from your stomach and hold it in for a few seconds before releasing it. It is recommended that you do this 5 to 8 times. This can really help relax you, and make your anxiety disappear.
If you continually experience high levels of stress, even after trying to deal with it in other ways, exercise can be a great idea. It helps to reduce stress naturally, by allowing you to work through stressful situations, but also by releasing different hormones that can actually minimize stress levels.
When you are starting to let anxiety get on top of you, use visual anchors. This means when you are feeling anxiety creep in to your thoughts look up to the clouds, or try to find some water to look at to calm you down. You could even use a stress ball.
If you begin to feel anxious, accept those feelings. When you try to fight anxiety, the situation often becomes worse. If you focus on the fact that these feelings ate short term and will pass, it becomes easier to recover from the anxiety attack. This means that you can get back to productive activities much faster.
Eat a healthy diet. Candy and caffeine can really make anxiety a lot worse. You will find that food like berries or nuts are able to keep anxiety at bay. If your anxiety acts up, document everything you’re consuming. Make a dedicated effort to change for the better.
Learn diversion tactics to break your mind out of an anxious pattern. Try counting to 100 quickly, or do math problems in your head. Splash your face with cold water, and keep moving. Try doing something physical, even if it’s just moving things around. Remind yourself that anxiety is nothing but a collection of sensations, and they cannot harm you.
As previously discussed, when you suffer from anxiety, life can be very challenging. Hopefully, the anxiety-busting tips featured above will help you to get your anxiety levels back under control and allow you to start enjoying life again. So, make sure that you try a few of these tips the next time you start to feel anxious.